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Cogility is delighted to announce that Cogynt version 2.16 is generally available for AWS customers as of February 2025. Please see what’s new below.

For more information, or to have your Cogynt instance updated, please contact us.


UI Updates

  • The overlays for the Schema, Event Type, and Lexicons tables have been replaced with new modals.
  • The tables are now customized to show relevant information for the object, so users can find the object they want more efficiently without needing to open the object.
  • Users can now filter by properties of Event Types within the Event Type modal, such as topic name, stream properties, lexicons and more, to help users better narrow their search for specific Event Types within a project.
  • New workflows for creation of Schemas, Event Types, and Lexicons.
  • Schema Discovery is removed from the project as a stand-alone feature, and replaced with the ability to extract schema from Kafka topics within the new Schema creation workflow, to make for a more streamlined Schema creation experience.
  • New and improved lexicon tree layout, lending itself to be a more lightweight experience when creating and exploring lexicons.

Partial Import

  • Users can now selectively import components (and their dependencies) by type when importing from the component modal view.

Deployment Issues View

  • Users are now able to see any deployment issues that have occurred in their running deployments via the UI.
  • When an issue / error is encountered, the deployment table's new “Issues” column provides a warning with a total issue count.
  • Clicking the Issues column brings up a dialogue with a list of errors or warnings that have been encountered within the deployment, so that the user does not have to open the Flink dashboard to look for error logs.

Improved Computations User Experience

  • A loading wheel no longer appears between each action taken within the computation screen, making it much more streamlined for users while modeling in the computations screen.
  • Intermittent changes to the computations screen saved, so that work that has been drafted but not completed is not lost when navigating away from the computation screen.

Performance Optimizations

  • Users should experience performance improvements, especially in high volume joins between IPs.

JDBC support for Lexicon Filters

  • Users can now use lexicon filters on their database fields.


Events Explorer UX Enhancements

  • Users may now drag an entire row on the Events Explorer widget to another widget. The previous "drag" icon that appeared on the left of each row has been removed.
  • An Actions menu has been added to each row, allowing users to send the row to a Object Details Viewer widget, open a new ODV widget, or perform manual actions.
  • A View button has been added to each event row. Clicking the view button behaves differently depending on how many ODV widgets are on the current workspace:
    • If there are no ODV widgets: Clicking the button opens a new ODV widget and sends the event row to it.
    • If there is exactly 1 ODV widget: Clicking the button sends the row to the single ODV.
    • If there is > 1 ODV widget, Clicking the button opens a menu that allows the user to decide which ODV to send the event to.

Events Explorer Filtering UX Changes

  • A new filtering menu has been added to the Events Explorer widget. This can be used instead of the Search Facets filtering drawer now to filter your Events table.

Object Details Viewer

  • Viewing an object has received a UX revamp that introduces a persistent header so that you always know which collection you are working on regardless of which tab you are working on. Objects include:
    • Collections
    • Events
    • Notifications
  • You may clear an object from the ODV by now clicking the "X" button.


  • Collections now can be edited quickly by clicking the field to update rather than going into a dedicated "Edit" mode for the entire collection.

Custom Fields

  • A new Multichip custom field has been added for better viewing and editing experience for scenarios in which there are many options users can pick from. Checkbox custom fields can be safely converted to Multichip and vice versa.
  • Descriptions can now be added for any Custom Field template, which appear on an Info tooltip on a collection.

Report Builder

  • The Advanced Report builder's HTML helper has been augmented to force UTF8 encoding to better support the export of content that is copied and pasted into Custom Fields.


  • Fixed a bug in which the Event Detail Templates would periodically reset your work while building a template.
  • The current user now appears at the top of the list of users in areas where a user can be assigned to an item (collections and notifications).
  • Copying comments over to a rich text editor field no longer includes a dark background color.

Audit Viewer

No noteworthy changes.

User Management

  • A new API Key screen has been added, available only for super_admin users to create and manage API keys for external applications.

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