Counter-Insider Threat Academy
Explore the world of Counter-Insider Threat (C-InT) with this set of introduction videos and white papers.
Learn key factors and controls to modernize C-InT management programs.
What is an Insider Threat?
Insiders are people with access to an organization’s information or assets, such as intellectual property, facilities, resources, and people. Insiders threats are individuals who have (or had) authorized access to an organization’s assets and act in ways that may harm the organization. These are individuals who, maliciously or unintentionally, act (or fail to act) in a way that could potentially yield negative consequences to the organization. Examples of insider threats include espionage, sabotage, fraud, data theft / data exfiltration, suicidal ideation, and workplace violence.
Detect and Predict Insider Threats
Most counter insider threat (C-InT) programs solely rely on monitoring for explicit security violations and anomalous user behavior. Great Start. Organizations need to detect and quickly react to suspicious and malicious user activity within distributed locations, devices, and infrastructure.
However, internal personnel can be coerced or take advantage of their position of trust and access leading to sensitive data exposure, theft, and espionage. Worse yet, they may have varied, periodic, and often unmonitored behavioral issues that culminate into consequential disruptive, destructive, and damaging consequences to your operations, initiatives, and personnel.
Learn why a whole person approach to insider threat management provides more advantage to get left of harm.
Whole-Person Counter Insider-Threat Approach
A modern C-InT solution leverages not only existing physical, endpoint, network and cloud security/data sources, but also incorporates behavioral factors to enable whole person insider risk monitoring, threat prevention, and coordinated response.
Technical Risk Indicators
Security violation monitoring and user entity behavior analysis (UEBA) are important insider threat indicators. Your security organization must detect and quickly react to suspicious and malicious activity across distributed locations, devices, and infrastructure.
A modern C-InT solution should leverage your existing physical, endpoint, network, and cloud security data sources to apply to insider risk modeling. This provides investment protection and rapid deployment while allowing an organization to detect more immediate patterns that indicate an explicit insider threat.
Behavioral Risk Indicators
A whole person C-InT approach encompasses technical and behavioral factors to provide an opportunity to recognize at-risk individuals early — i.e., “left of harm” — before they would otherwise be identified by methods that only examine technical indicators. There are numerous behavioral indicators that culminate over various periods of time that ultimately lead to a hostile act.
A modern C-InT solution can analyze multiple events over short and longer periods of time that satisfy patterns for high confidence risk scores with underlying insights to predict insider threats – identifying persons on the path to insider threat, which allows organizations to preempt more impactful incidents.
The combination of both technical and behavioral data sources is what comprises a more modern, effective, and comprehensive Counter-Insider Threat (C-InT) approach that can provide early warning and greater opportunity for proactive mitigation.
Market Insights, Competitive Evaluation, and Vendor Rankings
This analyst report includes a detailed analysis of global Insider Risk Management market dynamics, vendor landscape, and competitive positioning analysis. The study provides competition analysis and ranking of the leading Insider Risk Management vendors in the form of the SPARK MatrixTM. This research covers key solution requirements, capabilities and differentiators, and vendor profiles for users to evaluate different providers.
Insider Threat Case Management
Why case management matters? Program managers understand the challenges of building and managing an efficient C-InT operations team. Since operations teams are staffed by limited resources who possess a limited bandwidth, continuous improvement is an ongoing area of concern. Equally challenging is the need to advance processes and technology in ways that minimize employee turnover, facilitate uniform assessment and terminology, and maximize productivity. Extensive case management capabilities help power the day-to-day operations for insider threat analysts and to monitor overall program performance.
Key capabilities to consider are:
- End-to-end performance tracking
- Operational program oversight
- Customizable dashboards and reports
- Dynamic scoring and profiling
- Profile assignments
- Detailed profile viewer
- Risk history and indicator traceability
- Assessment text editing
- Case delegation and collaboration
- Custom tagging and fields
It’s important to understand that the insider risk management and case management toolset you choose will either improve case manager proficiency and enable a proactive posture, or increase case file backlog and prolong a reactive posture. Read this white paper on Modernizing Counter-Insider Threat with Integrated Case Management.
White Papers
Modernize your Counter-Insider Threat Program
A continuous intelligence platform with an advanced behavioral analytic is needed to achieve comprehensive, proactive Counter-Insider Threat (C-InT) management. An integrated, scalable system that can handle the data processing and decision support demands, as well as streamline case assessment and mitigation efforts.
Going beyond monitoring and reacting to explicit security violations and anomalies, Cogility incorporates Expert AI-based technical and psychosocial threat indicator patterns analysis to determine both explicit and predicted insider risk. When combined with its full case workflow management, Cogility whole person approach modernizes C-InT programs to help respond to and avoid insider threat incidents.