Insider threats refer to harmful actions by trusted individuals who have access to an organization’s resources — ranging from sensitive data theft and data exfiltration to sabotage, espionage, fraud, and workplace violence. Thwarting insider threats is challenging, as insiders have legitimate access to sensitive data and have elevated access privileges. To address this growing concern, many organizations are enhancing their program by migrating to a whole person risk assessment approach.
A whole person approach to insider risk management would extend beyond monitoring known technical security violations and user activity anomalies. A recent survey from Cybersecurity Insiders1 of over 400 cybersecurity professions reveals approximately half of organizations are also incorporating behavioral data sources, such as human resources data and publicly available information (PAI), such as legal, financial and social records, and applying AI-powered advanced analytics into their insider threat programs.
By analyzing both technical and behavioral sources, organizations can identify personnel on the path to critical insider risk — allowing for preemptive action even before an impactful incident occurs. Read our infographic to discover the top 10 steps to migrate to a whole person insider threat management approach.